Deciding to give up is the first, crucial step on the way to becoming an ex-smoker. And here’s a few more:
Do these, and you’ll be in greater control when the time comes to quit – and give yourself a great chance of success.
Of course, stopping smoking straightaway is best for your health. But if quitting immediately sounds like too big a step to take, you could always try cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smoke first before stopping completely. NiQuitin Lozenges and Gum can help you with this too.
*compared to willpower alone.
Nicotine Patches, Pouches, Lozenges and Gum are stop smoking aids. Requires willpower. Contain nicotine. Always read the label.
Stopping smoking is tough but we’ll be with you every step of the way – giving you all the support you need to help you to stop smoking for good.
Information on this website is intended for UK audiences only. Copyright Click2Quit 2024.