Why not! There are lots of benefits to quitting – benefits you can look forward to enjoying, no matter how long you’ve been a smoker. Keep them in mind as you get ready to give up. They’ll help you keep in control.
Learn some surprising truths about nicotine and the effects that the tar and chemicals in cigarette smoke can have on your body – and your loved ones. Read more
Giving up isn’t easy – but the rewards are great. Discover the benefits to your health, your appearance and your bank account when you do. Read more
For every reason not to quit smoking, there’s a better one to give it a try. And you’ll find them all here. Read more
Nicotine Patches, Pouches, Lozenges and Gum are stop smoking aids. Requires willpower. Contain nicotine. Always read the label.
Stopping smoking is tough but we’ll be with you every step of the way – giving you all the support you need to help you to stop smoking for good.
Information on this website is intended for UK audiences only. Copyright Click2Quit 2024.