Questions About the Online Click2quit Plan 

What do I get with an online Click2Quit 2.0 Plan? 

The Click2Quit 2.0 Plan is a streamlined version of our original Click2Quit Plan. It includes:

• 1 online Plan tailored to your smoking profile
• 8 support e-mails
• 1 e-mail sent on your behalf to the support person of your choice
• Optional text messaging for 10 weeks to provide frequent support wherever you are
• Follow up feedback when you have successfully completed the programme
• Relapse support (if required)
• Online access to your Plan for 15 weeks after registration (after this period has expired the data will be destroyed)

What is the procedure when I register?

You create your user name and password to log into your Click2Quit Plan. Then we will ask you some questions about you and your smoking habits. The answers allow us to establish a smoker profile for you and a personalised Plan, so it’s important to be honest. You can leave the questionnaire at any time and your answers will be saved. The system will remember at what point you left the questionnaire and take you straight back there. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

How long does the online questionnaire take?

It will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the Click2Quit 2.0 Plan questionnaire and around 17 minutes for the Click2Quit Plan questionnaire.

How can I be sure no-one will see my results?

GlaxoSmithKline will, of course, treat all answers in confidence. For further details see our Privacy & Cookies Policy.

What should I do with the Click2Quit materials once I have read them?

You can print out a copy of your Plan and e-mails and keep them close by for reference and support if you’re struggling. We also recommend that you talk to a healthcare professional. They may know of methods and techniques which can provide additional assistance in quitting.

How long will my Click2Quit Plan be available online?

You will have access to your Plan for just over 25 weeks (180 days) after you register and submit your completed questionnaire. After this your Plan will be destroyed.

When I registered I chose to have a support person, but I entered the wrong email address for them. How can I change it?

Once you have registered onto the Plan, you cannot change the details of your support person on the system. However, if you provide our Customer Services Team with their correct e-mail address and whether they are male or female, and a smoker or a non-smoker, we’ll re-send them the email.

What if I decide to stop receiving Click2Quit 2.0 e-mails?

If you want to unsubscribe from Click2Quit 2.0 Plan e-mail communication: Click here

If you want to unsubscribe from Click2Quit Plan e-mail communication, you can do so by going to the Summary of Personalised Details page in your Plan and selecting the Withdraw option.

What if I want to unsubscribe from either my Click2Quit or Click2Quit 2.0 Plan?

You can unsubscribe at any time.

If you have the Click2Quit 2.0 PlanClick here to unsubscribe

If you have the Click2Quit PlanClick here to unsusbscribe

A healthcare professional is a doctor, nurse, smoking cessation advisor or a pharmacist.